Thursday, January 15, 2009

Good for a laugh

For the first post, I thought I'd relay a great movie quote:

"The entire state of Virginia had to have Solitaire removed from their computers since they hadn't done any work in 6 months... Name one good thing that has come from technology!"


"That's ONE."

Or my favorite from that movie: (you have to read this one with the character's voices in your head--otherwise it's not as funny!)

"You're... not in love with me."


"Me. Either."

"You're not in love with me?"


"But we're so perfect for each other!"

"I know!"


  1. Haha, classic. "Do you know what this is? It's the end of civilization as we know it."

  2. "People do really crazy things in foreign countries"

    "Absolutely, they buy leather jackets for much more than they're worth, but they don't fall in love with fascist dictators."

  3. I'm never going to find another part time job, and then I'm going to have to move...TO BROOKLYN!!
